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(names have been removed)


"I've been meaning to email you and say thank you!!


Emma and Anna LOVE Dance with Spirit and it's all because of you, your staff, your students and the culture and community you have created and built there. Ryan and I are so grateful that they have a special place to go every week where they feel uplifted, challenged, and happy. They always look forward to going! 


It's so nice to have a positive place outside of school where they can do something they love with a great group of friends. 


Thank you so much!! I also love that you are offering summer classes!"

"Wow! Another amazing recital by DWS!!! Thank you to all our fantastic teachers Amy Kellicker, Natalie Uribe, Elyse Schiavi, Veronica Midili and Isabel Kelley!! The love that Deanna has for dance is undeniable . It shines right through her .
DWS has become her second home and I see why. The friendships, camaraderie and support that these girls have for one another is truly remarkable. Deanna was so nervous about all her “quick changes” today and when she came home and told me about how SO MANY girls were there, backstage, to help her into her outfits so that she could make it back on stage on time, I was truly touched!
I am so grateful that Deanna is surrounded by such wonderful young ladies and truly glad that she is on this journey with them!  Thank you all for giving Deanna memories that will last a lifetime."

"I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for everything! The recital was amazing and Brooke loved it, she is already asking about next year's recital!


I don't know how you do it, but I'm thankful you do. I hope you had a relaxing evening after the chaos (although so organized). 


We can't wait to get the video to show Brooke the older girls, she's obsessed!"

I also have to compliment you. You have a real gift (and The team of dance teachers you’ve put together as well)

I teared up almost every dance- and not just the ones Gigi was in. It’s because You have such a talent to be able to make each girl shine. Whether it’s your choreography or how you teach them and build them up each week in the studio, I have no idea. But it’s crystal clear that you “see” every girl and you get that special piece of them to be brought out on stage. It’s remarkable really what you can do with them. And for them. 

You’ve truly helped gianna tap into a part of herself that I could never have done and it’s just beautiful. So I need to thank you deeply for all that you’re doing for gianna- and all the girls 🥰

And I seriously almost died in the middle of that Production number. Now I can certainly see why it’s Giannas favorite thing to do and the best part of her week!
I’m literally still replaying it over in my head. 
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"Thank you for never giving up.  Best recital so far and a amazing way to kick 2021 into summer. Thanks again"
"A BIG congratulations on your show last night!!! ️ It was awesome and the girls were all so amazing!!!! I absolutely loved the finale!! What a perfect song you found for this year!! Never heard it before and am listening to it now! It’s bringing tears to my eyes!! Thank you for providing such a warm, fun and loving place for our kids! Deanna loves going to Dance with Spirit and seeing YOU!!! A tremendous thank you from the bottom of my heart!!"
"Thank you for a great night last night!! All of your dancers are so talented and all of them were beaming!! Your dance studio has provided such a great experience for our daughters and we just want to take a minute to say THANK YOU!!!"
"Thank you for the wonderful recital! It was awesome. Also, I would like to thank you even more for making it such a great experience for Alexandra. She loves it! Two years ago Alexandra quit dance and would never even think about being in a recital. She was so happy on our way home and wanted to make sure she can do this again next year and she said - next year, I will definitely do the finale. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"I just wanted to thank you so much for deciding to have ballet company compete. It was the perfect 1st competition experience.When I asked her what she thought she said she had so much fun and loved it!  A year ago I would never have dreamed that she would have competed and enjoyed doing it.  She has become so much more confident and mature in the last year and I am certain that dance has a hand in that change."
"Cried tonight watching her first dance. They were so together and they've improved so much since last year.. Thank you for all the extra hours you give up for them so they can dance like that on stage"

Normally at the end of camp I would have had a card or a sweet treat or something to say thanks, but it's been a crazy year. With the world opening up so suddenly, I feel like I'm always running behind while still trying to figure out what's the safest way to reenter things. (This email that I meant to send two weeks ago is a great example)


Anyway, I wanted to let you know how much our family appreciates you and your school. You managed to provide a bit of normalcy during this crazy year. 


Marisa has always been a bit shy, and dance gives her confidence. At times she's too shy or anxious to ask you or the other teachers something; sometimes she's nervous to walk into class alone, yet she's always eager to get on the dance floor.

She loves dance and is growing into a beautiful young dancer. She has decided dance is 'her thing' which is why we have decided to support her trying ALL of the classes. 


 I appreciate all that you do for these kids. Every teacher is so kind, amazing, and supportive.


I just wanted to reach out and say THANK YOU SO MUCH!! From the beginning when Maya wouldn't go in the studio without me and made me "dance" with her, to seeing her on the big stage yesterday- WOW!! I may or may not have been one of the audience members in tears!! You and all the girls helped her SO much throughout the year and I'm so grateful!! She didn't make it out on the stage for her first dance yesterday, and I know the girls helped calm her down. Whatever they did worked and she sure made it out for her second dance! Please let all the girls that worked with Maya know that we are so so grateful for them!!​

Thank you so much for the GREAT Recital yesterday! Your Dance Spirit is very High! We were so amazed by older dancers that I was tearful at some point. You bring light, love and joy to the world.
Again, we appreciate all your hard work, attention and care!

28 Draper Lane

Canton, MA


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