Studio Policies/Tuition Rates

Dance with Spirit’s program runs from September to June. The Studio follows the Canton Public School schedule for cancellations and MOST holidays. Please notify instructors of any weekly absentees. No credits or refunds will be given for absentees or cancellations.
Class placement is based on age and level of training.
First session payment is due upon registration. There is a $85 costume deposit for each recreational class and $110 for each company class. Costumes deposits are due November 1st. All other fees and scheduling will be posted at the beginning of each school year and will be updated in case of any changes. Dance with Spirit accepts cash, checks, Venmo and Credit Cards.
It is the responsibility of you and your child to try to attend every class. If you will be late or will be missing class for a legitimate reason, please call or text the studio ahead of time to notify us. If there is no answer please leave a message, or inform the instructor ahead of time. There are no refunds given for missed classes. Please pick your child up promptly after their class is dismissed.
Classes Overview
A minimum number of 5 students are required to hold a class.
Competition Eligibility Overview
Students who are invited to participate in competitions throughout the year must be enrolled in a Ballet class or Lyrical class. As a student on the competition team, you and your guardian will be required to sign a competition team contract and adhere to those and all of the studio policy rules.
Please Note:
• No skirts, tank tops, baggy t-shirts, sweatpants or pajama pants are allowed during class.
• Knitwarm up clothing is allowed in cold weather. Legwarmers, Wrap Sweaters, Knit Shorts are appropriate.
• No Jewelry, Stud earrings are acceptable.
• No Socks are to be worn with shoes.
• Hair must be neatly and securely pulled back in a bun for all classes. A neatly secured ponytail is allowed for Intermediate and Advanced levels in Jazz, Modern and Tap classes ONLY. A bun MUST be worn for ballet.
• Pointe classes are by invitation only; we require a professional fitting for all Pointe shoes
Recital Information Overview
Recital information and ticket pricing will be available as soon as possible. It is required that any student participating in the recital must attend the dress rehearsal and photo day as well. Tuition and costumes payments must be paid in full for your child to participate in the recital.
The Rules are as Follows:
• Students must arrive 5 minutes prior to class. If a student is 15 minutes late or more, he or she will be asked to sit and watch
• Dance with Spirit is not liable for personal injury, loss or damage of any personal property. Every student is responsible to inform their teacher and front desk of any injury or limitations they may have that may prevent them from participating fully in class. Our student’s health and safety is our priority.class. This rule is enforced for the safety of your child.
• Dress code must be implemented in every class.
• There is NO SMOKING in or around the dance studio
• No Cell Phones. All cell phones must be turned off during class.
• No Gum, candy or food allowed during class or on the dance floor.
• Dance with Spirit is entitled to use video and photography throughout the year. The use of these may be used for advertising and other events. A professional Photographer and Videographer will be provided for purchase of recital pictures and videos. By purchasing or using them you adhere to their copyright rules and regulations of the companies. Dance with Spirit is not responsible for any misuse that may go against these regulations.
• Please check studio bulletin board, website and studio newsletter for any upcoming events and information.
• Class Schedules, Faculty, Observation week and Performance dates are subject to change. Notice will always be posted in the studio.
Tuition & Registration Fees Overview
• 45 minute recreational class = $63/month
• 1 hour recreational class = $69/month
• Company classes (Invite Only) = $100/month
• Solo choreography (30 minutes) = $45/month
• Duo/Trio (30 minutes) = $35/month
• Maximum Tuition = $310/month (This EXCLUDES solo, duo, trio)
• Extra 1 on 1 training ( NOT a solo) = 3 for $120 or 6 for $220
• The first tuition payment is due
• Tuition is due the first every month
• A $45.00 enrollment fee is due upon registration. $100.00 maximum per family upon registration.
• A $35 LATE FEE will be applied to accounts that are 10 days past due.
• A fee of $35.00 will be charged for returned checks, and in-sufficient funds.
• No Refunds, Transfers or Credits of payments are given due to dropped or missed lessons.
• If tuition is past due, the student will not be allowed to participate in class. If there is an outstanding balance at recital time, the dancer may not be allowed to participate in rehearsal or recital.
• Withdrawal from the studio must be submitted in writing and signed by guardian. Before the 25th of the month or tuition payment will still be owed for that month.
• If you choose to have your dancer drop a class you will not be responsible for the remainder of the tuition for the year BUT if costumes have been ordered you will need to pay the balance or you will not receive the costume.
Required Shoes
All toddler classes should have pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes
For any hip hop class, please ask your teacher